Does My Horse Have Behavioural Issues?

Does My Horse Have Behavioural Issues?

When dealing with a horse that is showing signs of behavioural problems such as nervousness, spookiness or aggression; a small spook can quickly escalate into a dangerous situation.
To get to the root of the behavioural problem, you first need to assess your horse to find out what is causing the issue.

What Can Cause Behavioural Problems?

Behavioural problems can occur from pain, to check for any pain related issues, while assessing your horse, ask yourself these questions below:
  • Has your horse's behaviour changed recently?
  • Has your horse's attitude towards ridden work changed?
  • Has your horse been showing any signs of lameness in any three paces?
  • Have you had their back checked by a vet for tightness?
  • How regularly have you had your horse's teeth checked, has it been longer than 12 months?
  • Has there been a change in diet, surroundings or routine?
  • Is the horses' saddle causing discomfort? Like us, a horses' body changes with exercise, when was the last time you had the saddle checked by a professional?
  • Have you recently changed the bridle or bit?

Asking yourself these questions will help you diagnose a possible behavioural issue related to pain or discomfort. If none of the above applies to your horse, then we recommend reading our article all about the use of a calming supplement by clicking here.

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